Not bitching about the location but what is the date and time?
David K. Bialik
CBS Radio
From: Jeff Smith p.p. sbe15 (jeffsmith _at_ [mailto:info@PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 10:20 AM
To: sbe15 <members@PROTECTED>
Subject: [sbe15ny] November Meeting
Good morning everyone.
Our November meeting will venture to the far off land call Carteret NJ…lol
We will be touring the AMV Gateway facility and hear about their capabilities.
No bitching about location, there is a bus that runs from the Port Authority… NJ Transits 116 drops you off close to Gateway.
The address is 27 Randolph St. Carteret, NJ 07008.
RSVP is a must at
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